
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The plural mockerer...Godsend

Ricky : Panchi, why do i need you so much?

The present perfect ...


I don't know if i've lost you, or i am loosing you...

Yous diplomatic behaveour to my love, why take your last illusions from me love..

Atleast give me the physical you and i might .create a lady bird this time...

Am i the writer of my own fate, panchi?

Are you still alive baby??

Why arn'e you here with me, loving me and giving me your arms to endure ...

Why take the pain away from me and leave me downtroden for the whole life...

Why thous faith always cut my fate, like the navy cut.................................................................

--- Me or You ---

p.s. tell me difference and i'll touch your feet first ...


I promise you, smoking causes cancer eventually .

Abhinav ...